Autumn Garden Bouquet Workshops
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NEW: Autumn Garden Bouquet Workshops Join a practical workshop to make a beautiful bouquet of autumn flowers from the garden. Hosted by floral expert, Kim O’Brien, you’ll create a stunning seasonal bouquet which you can take home with you. ADD A WORKSHOP TO YOUR BOOKING /*! elementor - v3.19.0 - 07-02-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=".svg"]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}
APL Design & Landscaping Clinic
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APL Design and Landscaping Clinic Members of the Association of Professional Landscapers (APL) will host a drop-in Design and Landscaping Clinic over the three days of the Fair.Open between 11am and 1pm, Members will be only too happy to assist you with landscaping and design questions you may have on any past, present or future projects.Bring your designs, your drawings and, most importantly, your ideas! Book tickets today
Child’s Play
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Child's Play Designed by Val Christman, awarded Gold All children including those with Autism have imagination. Any space that will allow a child to play imaginatively without being closed in by instruction, negativity and boundaries, would be of great benefit. This garden has sand, pebbles and shells that can be moved to create different scenery. It has a quiet space where a child can feel safe and sheltered. Child friendly plants with different textures and colours provide an interesting environment. A little girl Frances who is four years old and who has been diagnosed with autism and very keen interest in sand, water, and nature, has used her imagination and helped to select the theme and contents in the creation of this garden. With thanks to /*! elementor - v3.19.0 - 07-02-2024 */ .elementor-widget-divider{--divider-border-style:none;--divider-border-width:1px;--divider-color:#0c0d0e;--divider-icon-size:20px;--divider-element-spacing:10px;--divider-pattern-height:24px;--divider-pattern-size:20px;--divider-pattern-url:none;--divider-pattern-repeat:repeat-x}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider{display:flex}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider__text{font-size:15px;line-height:1;max-width:95%}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider__element{margin:0 var(--divider-element-spacing);flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-icon{font-size:var(--divider-icon-size)}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider-separator{display:flex;margin:0;direction:ltr}.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_icon .elementor-divider-separator,.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_text .elementor-divider-separator{align-items:center}.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_icon .elementor-divider-separator:after,.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_icon .elementor-divider-separator:before,.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_text .elementor-divider-separator:after,.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_text .elementor-divider-separator:before{display:block;content:"";border-block-end:0;flex-grow:1;border-block-start:var(--divider-border-width) var(--divider-border-style) var(--divider-color)}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-left .elementor-divider .elementor-divider-separator>.elementor-divider__svg:first-of-type{flex-grow:0;flex-shrink:100}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-left .elementor-divider-separator:before{content:none}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-left .elementor-divider__element{margin-left:0}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-right .elementor-divider .elementor-divider-separator>.elementor-divider__svg:last-of-type{flex-grow:0;flex-shrink:100}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-right .elementor-divider-separator:after{content:none}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-right .elementor-divider__element{margin-right:0}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-start .elementor-divider .elementor-divider-separator>.elementor-divider__svg:first-of-type{flex-grow:0;flex-shrink:100}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-start .elementor-divider-separator:before{content:none}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-start .elementor-divider__element{margin-inline-start:0}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-end .elementor-divider .elementor-divider-separator>.elementor-divider__svg:last-of-type{flex-grow:0;flex-shrink:100}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-end .elementor-divider-separator:after{content:none}.elementor-widget-divider--element-align-end .elementor-divider__element{margin-inline-end:0}.elementor-widget-divider:not(.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_text):not(.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_icon) .elementor-divider-separator{border-block-start:var(--divider-border-width) var(--divider-border-style) var(--divider-color)}.elementor-widget-divider--separator-type-pattern{--divider-border-style:none}.elementor-widget-divider--separator-type-pattern.elementor-widget-divider--view-line .elementor-divider-separator,.elementor-widget-divider--separator-type-pattern:not(.elementor-widget-divider--view-line) .elementor-divider-separator:after,.elementor-widget-divider--separator-type-pattern:not(.elementor-widget-divider--view-line) .elementor-divider-separator:before,.elementor-widget-divider--separator-type-pattern:not([class*=elementor-widget-divider--view]) .elementor-divider-separator{width:100%;min-height:var(--divider-pattern-height);-webkit-mask-size:var(--divider-pattern-size) 100%;mask-size:var(--divider-pattern-size) 100%;-webkit-mask-repeat:var(--divider-pattern-repeat);mask-repeat:var(--divider-pattern-repeat);background-color:var(--divider-color);-webkit-mask-image:var(--divider-pattern-url);mask-image:var(--divider-pattern-url)}.elementor-widget-divider--no-spacing{--divider-pattern-size:auto}.elementor-widget-divider--bg-round{--divider-pattern-repeat:round}.rtl .elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider__text{direction:rtl}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-divider,.e-con>.elementor-widget-divider{width:var(--container-widget-width,100%);--flex-grow:var(--container-widget-flex-grow)} Find more garden inspiration See what else is in store
APL Skills – 21st century Jacobean...
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APL Skills - 21st Century Jacobean Garden Winner: 21st Century Jacobean Garden, JJH Landscapes with Radial Landscapes Designed by Will Burberry and Justin Himpson: Radial Landscapes & JJHLandscapes, awarded Platinum New for 2023, two landscaping groups have been invited to compete in this year’s Association of Professional Landscapers’ (APL) competition at the Autumn Fair.The landscapers will be provided with a ‘kit list’ and will be required to produce a design that they will build at the Fair. Their project will need to include elements complying to World Skills requirements. Take a look at the design below… /*! elementor-pro - v3.19.0 - 07-02-2024 */ .elementor-gallery__container{min-height:1px}.elementor-gallery-item{position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:block;text-decoration:none;border:solid var(--image-border-width) 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APL Skills – Gadd Brothers
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APL Skills - Skills Build Garden Designed by Gadd Brothers, awarded Gold New for 2023, two landscaping groups have been invited to compete in this year’s Association of Professional Landscapers’ (APL) competition at the Autumn Fair.The landscapers will be provided with a ‘kit list’ and will be required to produce a design that they will build at the Fair. Their project will need to include elements complying to World Skills requirements. Take a look at the Gadd Brothers’ design below… With thanks to
Family fun at the Autumn Fair
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A great family day out awaits... The Autumn Fair is perfect for families looking to create lasting memories together at the end of the holiday. With great value Family Tickets, you can enjoy a wholesome day out that will keep everyone entertained without breaking the bank.From entertainment and interactive workshops to delicious treats and gardening inspiration there’s lots for you all to enjoy. Plus all the fun of a day out at English Heritage’s magnificent Audley End House & Garden. You can even let your furry friends join in on the excitement too.Full day family tickets cost just £36 for family of four, £58.30 for family of five, in advance. Discounted rates apply for  12pm and 1.30pm entry. What family fun will you discover... 🎟️ FREE tickets for under 5s, and discounted options for under 18s and families. Book here >🌮 Try new flavours with a range of Street Food options🌳 Explore Audley End’s stunning gardens and Capability Brown landscaped grounds, with your four-legged friend.🎶 Enjoy live entertainment at the Bandstand 🏠 Take time to enjoy Audley End House with it’s magnificent interiors, to see how families would have lived🐎Trot over to the stable yard and meet Audley End’s magnificent resident horses🏫 See the Beautiful Border by St Andrew’s School, ‘A Sensory Adventure’🥕 Get tips for growing healthy ingredients for your family at the Let’s Grow Stage🍏 Get a slice of the good life from Sara Ward who shares tips on apple pressing, making cider and more. 👨Get expert advice from previous Blue Peter gardener, Chris Collins 🌱Glean family-friendly gardening tips from Lee Connelly, the Skinny Jean Gardener 🌸 Try your hand at making a dahlia bouquet 🌾 Watch a ‘Sow-Along’ at the Make It Flourish Together Border 👧 Run over to the playground and relax with tea and cake in the Cart Yard Café.   📜 Step back in time as character actors take you on a journey including Capability Brown and Audley End’s head gardener from 1881, Mr Vert. 🌺 Explore Cecilia Sandrini’s Beautiful Border, designed for a child with sensory needs, ‘This Nest will give you Wings’ 🍰 Pick up tasty treats and gifts at the BBC Good Food Market
Street Food
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Indulge in tasty street food Treat your taste buds to a culinary adventure with an array of independent street food vendors at the BBC Gardeners’ World Autumn Fair. From delightful bites to flavorful dishes, our carefully curated selection promises a feast for every palate.And that’s not all – when it’s time to quench your thirst, head to the alfresco bar. Whether you prefer a revitalizing mocktail or a classic favorite, we’ve got you covered. All in the vicinity of the bandstand where you’ll enjoy the dulcet tones of our musical line up.You’ll soon feel re-energized and ready to explore the rest of the Audley End and the Autumn Fair. For the full exhibitor list > Tickling your tastebuds in 2023: Collectors CoffeeSo Ducking GoodFeed the VillageRagmarsh Farm Burger BarCargoHouse LdnCornwall Pasty CoRetro Coffee CompanySupreme Gourmet EventsScully and Rolf Bohemian WrapsodyWholesome HubBOMBAYISHHIDE & GREEKThe HorseboxSupreme SausagesKULJOT’SCharlie Bobanelli’sScandiliciousGinporium bar
Garden shopping
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Explore the gardening exhibitors Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, the BBC Gardeners’ World Autumn Fair is the perfect place to discover new tools and accessories to see you through the seasons ahead.Enjoy the chance to shop from a fantastic lineup of gardening exhibitors, offering an selection of top-quality kit, tools, and accessories, perfect for the changing seasons in your garden.Take advantage of exclusive deals and discounts that will make your gardening dreams a reality without breaking the bank.See full exhibitor list here > Exhibiting in 2023: Jardin De FrancePure GardensGarden on a RollOutdoorlivingUKButternut BoxSilver Goose FurnishingsSTIHL GBGarden OrganicThe Soap PantryPlantlifeBramblecrest Garden FurnitureTails.comenchanted-earth.comThe Botanic WickBroadlands PotteryWoodland TrustThe Cookie Pie ManVegepodThe Gardens TrustMeadow Home and GardenEden Garden EquipmentCaplinTec (EWE STOP Products)Cockle Bay Outdoor Stove Co.Traders clubON TRADE WINDSRSPBMarissa’s Garden & Gift Arthur & LunaHOME AND GARDEN EXTRASGreenspace UKBeechwood TrinketsNaturally Nude Artisanal LtdTim’s Tiles & InteriorsA Blackbird SangThe Norfolk DuckHippy Hut PotteryPure Pet FoodGarland EnterprisesArctic CabinsEcosureThe Dipping Tank Company LtdOlive and Olive interiorsEverest 2020THE EDIT BOUTIQUEElegance Natural Skin CareNew Hope SpringLEON (Ultralight) BootsFirework lightsKingsley SmytheINASPACE Garden RoomsLindy CeramicsImage Plus Country CollectionsThe Wildlife Trusts
Plants to buy
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Shop for perfect plants for the season ahead! Discover a diverse selection of nurseries and specialist nurseries, offering an array of plants to revitalize your garden for the upcoming season. Seek expert tips from nursery owners to keep your purchases in top condition and find the perfect plants for your space. Start your gardening journey with us today! We take pride in curating a diverse selection of nurseries and specialist nurseries, ensuring that you have an abundance of choices to explore and enhance your garden. Exhibiting nursery owners are passionate experts who will be happy to share their invaluable knowledge with you. Seek their advice on the right plants for your situation as well as techniques to keep your purchases in tip-top condition, ensuring they flourish and thrive.Plus, look out for great show offers. Happy gardening! Exhibiting Nursery and Growers: Mandy PlantsL V BespokeWS WarmenhovenPotash NurseryHeucheraholicsHW Hyde & SonJohn Cullen GardensAlchemy FernsFreeman PlantsTynings ClimbersGreen JJam NurseriesPheasant acre plantsHampshire Carnivorous PlantsMiddleton Nurseries Peter Beales Roses LtdHedgehog PlantsRedman Hardy PlantsRedman Hardy PlantsKeith Partington Premier AlpinesWoodland NurseriesNetherfold NurseryPrimrose Hall PeoniesBean Place NurseryNew Forest HostaDaisy RootsJurassic PlantsHoyland Plant Centre
Getting here
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Getting to the Autumn Fair Planning your travel to the BBC Gardeners’ World Autumn Fair at Audley End House & Gardens is an important part of your day. Please use the details below to help you have a smooth start to your day:1. Follow event signage upon reaching Audley End to be directed to the most appropriate location2. If driving, book parking in advance and display your Parking Pass on dashboard before arrival 3. For parking information, including how to book, click here > Full addressAudley End Rd, Audley End, Saffron Walden CB11 4JF.Please note: the Lion Gate entrance is pedestrian only for the Autumn Fair. This is a drop off point for taxis. (Lion Gate image © Historic England Archive) By carAudley End is 1 mile west of Saffron Walden on the B1383 (from the M11 take exit 8 or 10).Please follow event signage on the approach to Audley End House & Gardens. To help staff park you quickly please have your parking pass displayed clearly before arrival.For sat-nav, enter CB11 4JF.By busThere are buses to Saffron Walden from Cambridge (7 days a week), and from Bishop’s Stortford, Great Dunmow, Haverhill, Stansted Airport and Thaxted (except Sundays). All routes listed below pass within 1⁄4 mile of the entrance:Stephensons: 6, 59 & 313C.J. Myall service: 101; 132 (Sun only)TGM: 301 Viceroy :34, 59, 590By trainAudley End is approximately 1 1⁄4 miles from Audley End station. Please note: the footpath is beside a busy main road and English Heritage do not recommend walking to our evening events as the path is not street-lit from the station to the site. There is a taxi rank at Audley End Station.If you’re travelling to the show by train, book via Train Hugger here and help them plant thousands of trees across the UK. You can book on web or mobile and save e-tickets to your phone. Tickets are the same price and they plant a tree in the UK with every booking.This is an affiliate link, meaning we will earn a small commission on purchases made via this link, at no additional cost to you.By bicycleNational Route 11 passes within 3 miles of Audley End. Find this site on The National Cycle NetworkBy footThe site is accessible via footpath from Abbey Lane in Saffron Walden. This is an uneven path, through fields and up a steep slope, so not recommended for those with mobility issues.For more information, click the button below to visit the English Heritage website MORE INFORMATION
Surrounded by Plants
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Surrounded by Plants Designed by Marc Buirski, awarded Platinum To be surrounded by plants in an explosion of colour, form and texture. To have cool greens and magenta foliage; to give a sense of peace and hot flowers to add notes of excitement. All of which gives a sense of the exotic but can continue to thrive in our changing climate.  With thanks to Discover more gardens that will be blooming at the Autumn Fair in 2023 Don't miss your favourite experts live at the Autumn Fair this year
Our Brewable Border
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Our Brewable Border Designed by Anna Johnston and Charlotte Seers, Historic and Botanic Gardens Training Programme Trainees, awarded Gold This space is inspired by the Victorian traditions of tea drinking that may have occurred at Audley End; its Kitchen Garden; and our own sense of calm, community and connection we find during our gardening tea breaks.Designed to remind us of the versatility of plants when it comes to the preparation of teas and tisanes, the garden showcases the different parts of the plant that can be used for making concoctions, including foliage, roots and flowers.Featuring a combination of wild, informal and potted plants, it encourages a shared escape within a sensory environment whilst highlighting the possibilities of creating a low maintenance, small space ‘drinkable’ garden at home. With thanks to  Don't miss your favourite experts live at the Autumn Fair this year Discover more gardens that will be blooming at the Autumn Fair in 2023

Flash Sale extension ends MIDNIGHT TONIGHT

It's your last chance to save 25% on standard tickets!
Use code EASTER25 (ts & cs apply)